We went to the station in Figueres and we traveled by train to Barcelona. When we arrived we went to Maregnum and we bought a sandwich for lunch. Then we went by metro and we went to the Polo. We didn’t get lost because there was a boy; he is called Xavi Ramos that lives in Barcelona. The Polo is very big and it’s very beautiful, in the entrance there were lots of advertising stalls. Afterwards we went to sit down on the stands and we met Ariadna, another friend of hipique. Before lunch we saw the show of Lorenzo horse’s and the motors it was spectacular!! Lorenzo is a big expert, he is a professional: he is in charge of seven or more horses and he stand up on two horses one leg a horse and the other leg on another horse and he dominated the situation and he jumped off horses – it was extraordinary. After the other show it was with motors and horses and it was fantastic too. But I liked Lorenzo better than the motor and horses show.

Then we ate a sandwich and we saw the jumping competition, we took a lot of photos there were a lot of horses and it was very beautiful. In this competition
Cayetano participated but he was ill and there was a substitute. It was very nice. Afterwards Sara, Ingrid and I went to visit the stalls and we went for a walk and we entered the hipique behind the exposition. We visited all the hipique and it was very big: there was an indoor track. We visited the horses in the stable and it was very nice but the inconvenience was that the horse didn’t have a field.
Then we went to the other part of hipique but a guy asked us for as the ticket and we had to leave, jajaJ. We returned to the exposition of hipique Polo and we met other friends and we explained the experience. Then we left by train and we had to sit down on the floor because the train was full.

We liked it a lot and we decided that next year we’ll return to the Polo together!!!

Then we ate a sandwich and we saw the jumping competition, we took a lot of photos there were a lot of horses and it was very beautiful. In this competition

We liked it a lot and we decided that next year we’ll return to the Polo together!!!
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