divendres, 14 de novembre del 2008

Crisis Economy

Our country's economy is in crisis in Spain. The crisis started in U.S.A because they lent loans to people who didn't have a job or they had low levels of income and after these people didn't pay the mortgages and they left the apartment when the mortgage increment and the banks went bankrupt and the U.S.A borrowed money from Spain and Spain lend money everybody.

Afterwards they started to lend loans a people who didn't have jobs the same in U.S.A. Now Spain and U.S.A don’t have enough money and they didn't lend money if you have a maxim of money. They lend money to you because they see that you can return the money.

Now it is not safe to put your savings in the bank. Now people who have got a lot of money buy gold because it is safer than putting your money in the bank. Now we don't trust the advertising on TV because the bank wants us to put money in their bank so they have got more money. The conclusion is that the crisis began a year ago and it still continues.